Special Notice


Special Notice

The City of Akron has hired Burgess and Niple, G. Stephens, Robinson Pipe Company, and C&K Industrial Services to perform sewer cleaning/television inspection and manhole inspection services for the City of Akron CSO program.
This cleaning and inspection work is currently on-going and is expected to be completed at the end of December 2018.
It should be noted that sewers and manholes are located both in the road rights-of-way and in easements or dedicated utility rights-of-way. Access within all easements will be necessary during the monitoring and inspection services.
Should you have any questions regarding this work, please contact the Project Manager for the City of Akron, Scott Davenport, at 330-375-2769.
In case of a sewer emergency or problems before or after regular working hours (7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), please call the City of Akron Sewer Maintenance Dispatch at 330-37 5-2666.