The City of Akron intends to apply for funding for the following construction projects from the Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF)


Akron, Ohio - The City of Akron intends to apply for funding for the following construction projects from the Ohio EPA Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF). Ohio EPA will administer loan preparation based on state standards and Ohio EPA procedures. Akron has requested approximately $32,134,514 from the Ohio EPA WPCLF for these projects. The currently programmed user rates will not change due to these projects.

Project Name Loan Number Loan Type
Sewer Maintenance Relocation CS390095-0131      Construction
Main Outfall Relief Sewer CS390095-0127 Construction
Tallmadge Avenue Sanitary Sewer Lining CS390095-0129 Construction
White Pond Drive Pump Station Replacement      CS390095-0096 Construction

If you care to comment on these projects, please send comments by March 17, 2016 to Heather Ullinger at the Akron Engineering Bureau, 166 South High Street, Room 701, Akron, Ohio, 44308, or e-mail to The Ohio EPA will make available for public information environmental review documents for these projects.

Upon release, the documents may be viewed at either:, Ohio EPA’s website at (“Documents for Review and Comment”), or in hard copy at the Akron Engineering Bureau, 166 South High Street, Room 701, Akron, Ohio, 44308. If you would like to receive either an electronic copy via e-mail or a paper copy of the documents via U.S. mail upon release, please contact Dan Halterman of Ohio EPA at either: or (614) 644-3658.