Rain Garden Kit Giveaway

Want to grow your own Rain Garden? On Saturday October 23, 2021, Akron Waterways Renewed! will be hosting a rain garden giveaway for the citizens of Akron in participation of Stormwater Awareness…
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Green Infrastructure vs Gray Infrastructure

A common topic discussed in the world of water is green versus gray infrastructure because they both reduce stormwater runoff. Green and gray use different systems to rid and reroute stormwater…
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City Of Akron Completes Last Storage Basin Under Federal Consent Decree—Under Budget And Ahead Of Schedule

Akron, Ohio, August 6, 2020— The City of Akron placed its final combined sewer overflow (CSO) storage basin into service on July 23, 2020, 161 days ahead of schedule. Akron has now constructed and…
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Cuyahoga River

The Cuyahoga River The Cuyahoga River is known as the Burning River, Crooked River, and a National Heritage River because of its flaming past. The fire of 1969, on the Cuyahoga River, that propelled…
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Cooking Clean-up for Fats, Oils, and Grease

It is the day before Thanksgiving, and you are all prepared to start cooking away… but have you thought about the clean up process? Pouring fats, oils, and grease (FOG) down the drain causes…
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Is Your Rain Barrel Ready for the Freezing Temps?

As we get closer to snow fall and colder temperatures, it is important to take time for winterizing your rain barrel. This will keep the life of your barrel lasting longer and protect even the…
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When it rains look to a drain

A drain is a common term used when there is a flow of water running down either with water or with liquid waste. In terms of draining storm wastewater, there are various types of drainage systems.…
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Getting Close to the End

Hello! I am sadly now getting to the end of my internship. I have had a lot of fun doing this project and working with Leah Gillig and Elizabeth Holston. The project itself covers the stages of the…
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From AASSEP to an Internship 

Hello, my name is Angel Guinn. I joined a program called the All Akron Student Engineering Program (AASEP) which was designed to be a program for giving engineering students a glimpse of the…
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Don’t Make a Splash, Put it in the Trash!

Flushable wipes, flushable kitty litter, flushable diapers, and the list goes on. You may think they have something in common and they do, none of these products are actually flushable! As people…
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