Head Start in Engineering 

As my second internship with the amazing AASEP is drawing to a close, I have taken a moment to reflect on this time. This summer internship has been such a valuable experience for me and all those…
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Exploring Engineering

The entirety of the All-Akron Student Engineering Program has been a great help in figuring out my future. Before joining the program, I was not entirely sure of what career path I wanted to take.…
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Thank you AASEP

During my time in the AASEP meetings I had a blast!! Each presenter brought their own personality to their presentation, each meeting had their own little project which challenged us and forced us to…
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Knowledge for My Future Career

I’m only 3 days into my internship at Prime AE, but I already know this is going to be such a good experience for me. I was able to go out into the field and see a project that the wastewater/water…
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Thinking Outside the Box

The company that I am working with for my internship is Thomarios. Thomarios is a company that started with painting but grew to other fields of work including construction and powder coating. During…
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Grateful for AASEP

Since I was fortunate enough to return to the AASEP this year, the variety of workshops have allowed me to develop and refine the skills needed to be successful in a professional setting. I’m so…
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To Flush, or Not to Flush, That is the Question

Can this be flushed? If you are asking the question, then the answer is no.   We have had some questions on our trolley tours regarding what can and cannot be flushed. Now we all know this is a…
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AASEP STEM Fest 2018-2019

All-Akron Student Engineering Program finishes the year off with the spring STEM Fest! Students were assigned to respective companies for their internships! Prior to the announcement, students…
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Practice Makes Perfect

The All-Akron Student Engineering Program met for the third workshop of the 2018-2019 school year!  Students had time to practice a bit more in the morning before presenting their one-minute…
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Improving Character and My Future

During All-Star Weekend, I had the opportunity to serve the LeBron James Family Foundation as a 330 Ambassador with community service and professional development in Charlotte, North Carolina. The…
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