Exactly What I Needed 

I thoroughly enjoyed my AASEP experience. I was able to learn things and push myself in ways I haven’t ever been able to do. As a student, I know I like many aspects and divisions of engineering, but…
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Benefits of Complete Streets

Traditional roads and streets were built for one form of transportation – motor vehicles. Complete streets change this idea to allow for multimodal transportation and make it safe for every type of…
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My Experience at FirstEnergy

My internship was one of the best experiences I have ever had when it comes to careers and work. Before my internship, I didn’t really understand much about FirstEnergy. All I really knew was “…
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Field Work and Office Experience

I used to be really excited about field work. In my first week at FirstEnergy, I was placed into the Transmission and Substation Design Department. I was given a brief introduction about how…
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Confidence in Engineering 

I have been considering being a mechanical engineer for most of my life at this point. I have of course gone back and forth between that and other career paths, but I have always returned to the idea…
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Prepared for My Internship and Future

I am thankful that the AASEP was not only going to provide a summer internship in engineering, but also train me to be ready for it. The workshops that were held throughout the program were excellent…
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Learning the Pathway to My Career

The All Akron Student Engineering Program taught me useful material that related back to professionalism in the workplace. I learned how to properly greet people, how to properly eat at a…
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Insights for My Future 

As my time at Prime AE comes to a close, I am very thankful for the experiences and knowledge I have gained with the help of those in the office with me. I have seen many different sides of…
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Strengthened Skills

For my internship through AASEP, I worked with Thomarios. Thomarios has many different aspects to their company including industrial coating, powder coating, and construction. When I was interning…
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Growing as a Young Professional 

When I had made the decision in the fall of my senior year to reapply for this cooperative learning experience, it had been the easiest decision I’ve ever had to make. After thoroughly enjoying my…
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